How Ayurveda works
One of the oldest forms of medicine, Ayurveda originated in India some 5000 yrs ago. It literally translates to ayur-life, veda-knowledge. Authentic Ayurvedic treatments focuses on the overall wellbeing of health, both mental and physical.
It works on the basic premise that both health and wellness totally depend on the balance between the mind, body and spirit. Contrary to popular belief, the primary objective of Ayurveda is to promote good health, not just fight ailments. Bearing that in mind treatments are ailment specific.
Everything in this universe is interconnected. To achieve the desired level of connection, the mind, body and spirit have to be in complete harmony with another. When this harmony is disrupted it causes an imbalance amongst the three vitalities leading to bad health. This imbalance can be caused by various reasons like genetic defects, acquired injuries, prevailing weather conditions and last but not least, emotions and age progression. All or any of the above cause an energy imbalance in us thereby leading to sickness.
According to Ayurveda, the human body is made of five natural elements: Air, water, fire, earth and space. These five elements combine within the body to create three life forces known as Dosha: Vata dosha control space and air; Pitta dosha control fire and water while the Kapha dosa control the balance of water and earth within the body. The three doshas dictate the proper functioning of the human body. Genetically we inherit a unique mix of the three doshas. The balance and imbalance of these doshas determine the level of well-being of the human health.
Ayurveda is the treatment designed to specifically address any imbalances in the aforesaid doshas. Before advising on treatment an Ayurvedic doctor will first understand the balance amongst the three doshas, a person’s mental and physical status and identify the primary life force. Panchakarma is perhaps the most famous amongst all Ayurvedic treatments. It is a cleansing process that restores balance and harmony in the Mind, body and spirit
Ayurvedic medicine can include:
- advice on diet and special diets
- taking specific Ayurvedic medications
- herbal medicine
- massage
- meditation
- yoga, breathing and relaxation techniques
- bowel cleansing
Panchakarma is conducted through blood purification, enema/laxative administration, and massages using medical and essential herbal oils.
It is believed that Ayurvedic medicine bring balance and harmony into the body. It helps to:
- increase energy and wellbeing
- decrease stress
- prevent and cure disease
Ritu Goyal July 31, 2019